Translations > Emails [PRO]
In this section, you can specify your preferred settings for sending emails to users.
- Account Welcome Email: The welcome email will send an email to users after they have successfully registered on your site.
- Password Reset Email: The password reset email will send an email to users after they request to change their password. The email will include a link that users must click to reset their password.
- Password Changed Email: The password changed email is sent to users after they have successfully changed their password and let’s users know their password has been changed.
- Admin E-mail Address: This option allows you to set which email address admin notifications are sent to.
- Mail appears from: This option allows you to customize the mail appears from text. By default this will be the name of your WordPress site.
- Mail appears from address: This option allows you to customize the email address that the email notifications appear to come from. By default this will be email of your site’s admin.
- Use HTML for E-mails: Send your users' e-mail notifications in HTML instead of regular plain text e-mails.
Placeholders for email templates
- {site_url}
- {site_name}
- {admin_email}
- {login_url}
- {profile_url}
- {logout_url}
- {display_name}
- {first_name}
- {last_name}
- {username}
- {email}
- {password_reset_link}