Display CTA (Like/Dislike) Button
Parameters ( attributes ):
- for (string) : select item type. (Available Values:
) - id (integer) : select specific item ID. (For manual usage)
- button_type (string) : Set Button Type. (Available Values:
) - style (string) : Choose the default template from the available list.
- wrapper_class (string) : Extra Wrapper class.
Using shortcode in the PHP template:
echo do_shortcode('[wp_ulike for="post" id="1" style="wpulike-heart"]');
Can I use multiple buttons on one page?
For this purpose, you need to use a custom ID for each shortcode. e.g.
[wp_ulike id="99999"]
How can I set custom template for shortcode?
Just try to use one of the following template names in the style attribute.
- wpulike-default
- wpulike-heart
- wpulike-robeen
- wpulike-animated-heart
- wp-ulike-pro-default
- wp-ulike-pro-book-heart
- wp-ulike-pro-checkmark
- wp-ulike-pro-voter
- wp-ulike-pro-check-like
- wp-ulike-pro-broken-hear
- wp-ulike-positive-negative
- wp-ulike-feedback
- wp-ulike-rating-fac
- wp-ulike-rating-boy
- wp-ulike-rating-girl
- wp-ulike-stack-voting
- wp-ulike-star-thumb
- wp-ulike-badge-thumb
- wp-ulike-arrow-votings
- wp-ulike-minimal-votings
- wp-ulike-badge-thumb
- wp-ulike-fave-star
- wp-ulike-pin
[wp_ulike style="wp-ulike-pro-default"]
Display Counter Value
Parameters ( attributes ):
- type (string) : Select item type. (Available Values:
) - id (integer) : Select specific item ID. (For manual usage)
- past_time (integer) : Show number of likes for certain period based on hour.
- status (string) : Distinguishes which data status to be shown in the results. (Available Values:
Display Likers List
Parameters ( attributes ):
- type (string) : Select item type. (Available Values:
) - id (integer) : Select specific item ID. (For manual usage)
- counter (integer) : Item show at most.
- style (string): Select likers box style.
- avatar_size (integer) : Pixel value for Avatar size.
- template (string): This attribute contains an HTML structure similar to the one placed in the settings panel. for example:
<div><br> %START_WHILE%<br> <span><br> <a href="#" title="%USER_NAME%">%USER_AVATAR%</a><br> </span><br> %END_WHILE%<br></div>
* Allowed Variables: %USER_AVATAR%
User Info Display [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_user_info type="data_counter"]
It’s the default code, which can show any user’s activity in post, comments, activity, and topic such as like, dislike, unlike, and undislike.
Parameters ( attributes ):
- user_id (integer): Select specific user ID. (For manual usage)
- type (string) : Determines which type of data from the user will be shown. (Available Values:
) - table (string) : Select item type table. (Available Values:
) - status (string) : Distinguishes which data status to be shown in the results. (Available Values:
) - before_text (string) : Custom prefix text to display before value.
- after_text (string) : Custom postfix text to display after value.
- empty_text (string) : Display custom message if value is empty.
Get Items List [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_items type="post" rel_type="post" status="like" desktop_column="1" tablet_column="1" mobile_column="1" exclude="thumbnail,author"]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- type (string) : Select item type table. (Available Values:
) - rel_type(string) : Use this option to select post types. (When type attribute equals to post)
- user_id (integer) : Select specific user ID. (For manual usage)
- anonymize_user(boolean) : Enable this option to display the items for not logged in users.
- status (string) : Distinguishes which data status to be shown in the results. (Available Values:
) - is_popular (boolean): Enable items to be sorted by the number of likes.
- limit (integer) : Item show at most.
- empty_text (string) : Display custom message if query is empty.
- desktop_column (integer) : The column-count on desktop. (Default: 1)
- tablet_column (integer) : The column-count on tablet. (Default: 1)
- mobile_column (integer) : The column-count on mobile. (Default: 1)
- exclude (string): Hide displaying items (Available Values:
User Profile [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_completeness_profile user]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- user_id (integer) : it determines which user info to show in the result.
- force_current_user (boolean) : Changes the current user based on profile ID.
Login Form [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_login_form form_id="1"]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- form_id (integer) : Custom form id.
- username (string) : Username label.
- password (string) : Password label.
- remember (string) : Remember me label.
- button (string) : Submit button label.
- reset_password (string) : Forgot password label.
- reset_url (string) : Custom URL for reset password page.
- signup_message (string) : Don’t have and account label.
- signup_text (string) : Create account label.
- redirect_to (string) : Custom redirect URL after success. ( You can also user ‘current_page’ value for current page redirect )
- ajax_toggle (boolean) : Use it to switch between forms using AJAX requests.
Signup Form [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_signup_form form_id="1"]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- form_id (integer) : Custom form id.
- username (string) : Username label.
- firstname (string) : First name label.
- lastname (string) : Last name label.
- password (string) : Password label.
- email (string) : Email label.
- button (string) : Submit button label.
- login_message (string) : Already have an account label.
- login_text (string) : Sign in label.
- redirect_to (string) : Custom redirect URL after success. ( You can also user ‘current_page’ value for current page redirect )
- ajax_toggle (boolean) : Use it to switch between forms using AJAX requests.
Reset Password Form [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_reset_password_form form_id="1"]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- form_id (integer) : Custom form id.
- reset_message (string) : Reset your password message.
- change_message (string) : Enter your new password message.
- mail_message (string) : Check your email message.
- username (string) : Username or email label.
- new_pass (string) : New password label.
- re_new_pass (string) : Re-enter new password label.
- invalidkey (string) : Invalid key message.
- expiredkey (string) : Expired key message
- reset_button (string) : Get new password button label.
- change_button (string) : Reset password button label.
- login_message (string) : Go to login page label.
- ajax_toggle (boolean) : Use it to switch between forms using AJAX requests.
Edit Account Form [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_account_form form_id="1"]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- form_id (integer) : Custom form id.
- firstname (string) : First name label.
- lastname (string) : Last name label.
- website (string) : Website label.
- description (string) : Biographical info label.
- email (string) : Email label.
- avatar (string) : Upload avatar label.
- button (string) : Submit button label.
- permission_message (string) : You don’t have access message.
Share Buttons [PRO]
[wp_ulike_pro_social_share slug="single_test"]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- slug (string) : Slug name from items.
- data-url (string) : Redefines document.location.href
- data-title (string) : Redefines document.title
- data-description (string) : Redefines meta[name="description"]
- data-image (string) : Redefines link[rel="apple-touch-icon"]
Two Factor Authentication [PRO]
Parameters ( attributes ):
- title (string) : Setup 2-factor Authentication title.
- description (string) : the description info below the title.
- accounts_title (string) : Usable authentication accounts title.
- app_name (string) : Authenticator app title.
- ago_text (string) : A custom string for "ago" which appears after human readable time format.
- button (string) : Submit button text.
- limit_accounts (integer) : the limit of requesting authentication acccounts. (default: 5)
- qrcode_size (integer) : QR Code image size. (default: 256)
- limit_message (string) : A message when user reached the limit for requesting authentication acccounts.
- permission_message (string) : Access denied message.