Configuration > Login & Signup [PRO]
When you activate WP ULike Pro, the plugin will install some default pages which are required for the plugin to work correctly. These pages include shortcodes that are used to display profile pages, edit account info, login, register and reset password forms.
You can edit these pages at any time or use the following shortcodes on a custom page. Just note that after changing the pages, you have to select and save the new path in the relevant options.
Warning: Please never cache pages "Login", "Password Reset", "Register", "Edit Account", "User Profiles". These pages may work wrong if cached.
- Select Login Page: Select a page which including [wp_ulike_pro_login_form] shortcode.
- Login Redirect URL: Enter your custom URL to redirect the user after successful login.
- Logout Redirect URL: Enter your custom URL to redirect the user after a successful log-out.
- Redirect WordPress Default Login: You can easily replace default WordPress wp-login.php page with your own custom login page. (It is important that the above login/register pages are set)
- Select Signup Page: Select a page which including [wp_ulike_pro_login_for] shortcode.
- Signup Redirect URL: Enter your custom URL to redirect the user after successful signup.
- Enable Auto Login After Signup: Enable automatic user login after a successful registration.
- Select Reset Password Page: Select a page which including [wp_ulike_pro_reset_password_form] shortcode.
- Select Edit Account Page: Select a page which including [wp_ulike_pro_account_form] shortcode.
- Logged In Message: When the user was logged in, display this message instead of displaying the form fields.
You can use the following variables in the template:
- Enable 2-factor Authentication: Increase security for user accounts by using multiple authentication steps.
- Enable Google reCAPTCHA: Turn on or off your Google reCAPTCHA on your site registration, login and reset password forms by default.
- Enable Global reCAPTCHA Scripts: Enable this option if you use the Recaptcha gobally on all pages. Like when you use it on Modal login forms.