Google reCAPTCHA

Generating your site & secret key

To generate your site and secret keys please visit the Google reCAPTCHA site and click the blue “Get reCAPTCHA” button to login to the website using your Google account. Once logged in you will see the following page:

To create your site and secret key please do the following:

  1. Enter a label for your site e.g WP ULike.
  2. Choose the type of reCAPTCHA - "reCAPTCHA v2" or "reCAPTCHA v3"
  3. Enter your site’s domain name in the text area (do not include httр:// or www prefix and make sure you do not have a forward slash / at end of url).
  4. Click the register button.

Once you click register your site will be registered with Google reCAPTCHA and you will be redirected to the site overview page which contains the keys. The only two pieces of information you need from this page are the site key and secret key which will look like this:

You may see the keys later on the page Settings (under the gear icon) in the dropdown section "reCAPTCHA keys"

Once you have your site and secret keys go to the [WP ULike PRO > Configuration > Login & Signup > Enable Google reCAPTHA] section.

The first option allows you to turn on/off the reCAPTCHA from showing on your site’s registration and login forms. Below this option is where you should enter your site key and secret key.

Note: Update keys if you change reCAPTCHA type. Keys that have been generated for the reCAPTCHA v2 don't work with the reCAPTCHA v3.

Once you have successfully entered the correct keys the reCAPTCHA will show on your registration and login forms. Please note the reCAPTCHA will not show until you enter the keys. If you enter the wrong key(s) you will see an error appear on the forms where the reCAPTCHA should be.

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